Deansfield was last inspected by Ofsted in July 2015 when the school was judged as outstanding in all areas.
Quotes from 2015 Ofsted report:
'Outstanding teaching sustains the pupil's exemplary attitudes and readiness to learn and their rapid progress over time'
'The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. There is a tangible ethos across the school centred on the 'Deansfield values'
'Staff and pupils share a keen sense of responsibility to ensure there is a positive climate in which everyone can learn, develop and celebrate success'
'Staff are highly successful in securing the children's confidence so they are at ease in their learning'
'The rich variety of the pupils work and supportive guidance on display in all classrooms show how their reading, writing and mathematical skills are used and extended in all subjects'
'In 2014 from each different starting point, the proportions of pupils making progress and the proportions making more than expected progress in reading writing and mathematics were very high compared to national figures'
'Pupils participate wholeheartedly in learning and appreciate the help, support and guidance they receive to develop their numeracy and literacy skills confidently and effectively'
'Parents are extremely positive about the school and are very pleased about the high level of care and support their children receive'
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