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Contact Us

Deansfield Primary School

address: Dairsie Road, Eltham, London SE9 1XP
tel: 020 8850 1218 
fax: 020 8294 2030

Queries from parents/public will be dealt with by Lynne Miller.
Paper copies of the website can be obtained from the school office.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the term dates for this year?

You can find the term dates for this academic year here.

What are the INSET days for this year?

These can be found with the term dates for this year.

What should I do if my child needs to take time off school during term time?

If the time off is for non-medical reasons, please see our attendance policy here. Time off for medical reasons is an authorised absence.

Is there a school uniform?

Yes we do have a school uniform. For more information, see the school uniform page here.