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Core Priorities

Improvement Priorities 2024-25 

To close learning gaps in all areas of learning through precise, targeted high-quality teaching. 

To ensure that all stakeholders are aware of strategies in place to support all children from EYFS to Y6 ensuring that the vast majority (90%) of children are on track to achieve age related expectations by the end of their time at Deansfield to successfully access the next stage in their learning journey. 

What: Create oracy-rich classroom environments that promote regular opportunities for children to engage in structured talk, collaboration and showcase their deep understanding in all lessons.  

Why: To help close the language and achievement gap, by providing all children, particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, with the tools they need to succeed academically and socially.  


What: We will ensure that parents and carers feel connected to and supported by their child’s school and are actively involved in the education of their child. 

   Why: We know that a strong connection between school and families builds the best learning experience for every child ensuring that they reach their full academic and emotional potential. 


What:  To accelerate progress for all and continue to close the gap in attainment in all areas of learning. 

   Why: To ensure that the vast majority (90%) of children are on track to achieve age related expectations by the end of their time at Deansfield to successfully access the next stage in their learning journey. 


   What: To develop understanding and confidence in racial literacy in our school.

  Why: So that all stakeholders feel a deep sense of belonging to our school community.